
Livy Polen

Livy Polen


Originally from Gastonia, North Carolina, Livy Polen graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with majors in Peace, War, and Defence and History. Livy is coming to the North Carolina Republican Party from the White House Office of Political Affairs. This specific Office kept the President up to date on key races across the country by tracking them pre-primary to post-general elections. Livy has traveled to several rallies and official events - many of which were in North Carolina. Livy wanted to join the NCGOP Team after seeing the successes in the 2020 Election. In her free time, Livy enjoys spending time with friends and family, continuing to learn about United States history, visiting historical landmarks, and traveling.


Total Recruits 1
Supporters Recruited 1
Volunteers Recruited 1
Donors Recruited 1
  • August 27, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC -- As troops from our home state of North Carolina are in harm's way, Beasley can't be bothered to even comment on it. Watch this video, where she is repeatedly asked for her thoughts on Afghanistan, and she walks away.



    Clearly, Beasley is taking a cue straight out of Joe Biden's playbook by avoiding the media at all costs as the consequences of failed Democrat governance harm Americans. 

    "Beasley's deliberate silence on the horrific events taking place in Afghanistan is disgraceful and disturbing," said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. "North Carolina voters need a Senator who unequivocally supports our troops, not one that refuses to answer basic questions."


  • August 25, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC -- Yet again, activist judges in North Carolina are overstepping their legal authority in an attempt to rewrite the law to further their radical political agendas. This week, a three-judge Superior Court panel in Wake County entered a preliminary injunction that would grant voting rights to an estimated 55,000 convicted felons. This goes against the North Carolina Constitution and state law and is nothing more than a power grab by activist judges and failure by Democrat-controlled state agencies to do their job.

    Section 2 of Article VI of the North Carolina State Constitution explicitly states that no convicted felon “shall be permitted to vote” unless the felon has had his or her rights restored in the “manner prescribed by law.” The power to restore voting rights to convicted felons rests squarely with the General Assembly, not with the courts. Additionally, the panel decided that felons do not need to complete their obligations despite the fact the law requires them to pay all of their debts.  This blatant judicial overreach reeks of similarities to last year’s egregious attack upon the voting rights of North Carolinians by the NCSBE, AG Stein and the North Carolina DOJ.

    After the panel’s ruling Monday, Senator Warren Daniel (R-46), who also co-chairs the Senate’s committee on election law issues, said he didn’t believe the judges had the authority to issue the decision they did and that the issue of when felons should regain the right to vote is simply a policy debate that shouldn’t be settled in court.

    “If a judge prefers a different path to regaining those rights, then he or she should run for the General Assembly and propose that path,” said Senator Daniel.

    The flagrant disregard of the North Carolina Constitution by the very people who have sworn to protect it is troubling to say the least. North Carolina voters see the common thread among these attacks on our Constitution: they are all coming from Democrats.

  • August 19, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC -- As Fort Bragg's 82nd Airborne division deploys to Afghanistan to aid in the evacuation effort, North Carolina Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate have been silent. North Carolinians deserve to know if Jeff Jackson, Cheri Beasley, and Erica Smith approve of Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    "It's disappointing that Jackson, Beasley, and Smith have been completely silent on Biden's handling of Afghanistan," said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. "As Democrats' weak leadership fails Americans and our allies on the world stage, this is an opportunity for Democrats to prioritize country over campaigns, and denounce the avoidable atrocities taking place under the Biden Administration."

  • August 9, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC -- NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley held an exclusive interview with Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt. They discussed topics such as Critical Race Theory, masks in schools, and the purpose of public education in the United States. 

    Click the image below to view the full interview.

    Here are some key quotes:

    Chairman Whatley: Is [Critical Race Theory] being taught in our schools right now?

    Superintendent Truitt: There are tenets of Critical Race Theory for sure being taught in our schools as well as popping up in teacher trainings that districts are offering... The idea of wokeism is predominant in our schools through individual teachers.


    Chairman Whatley: It is my assumption, of course, that you are adamantly opposed to the teaching of Critical Race Theory in our schools.

    Superintendent Truitt: Yes, absolutely. The idea that we have not made any progress towards a more perfect union since our country’s founding and furthermore that our country is somehow inherently racist is not true and actually does damage to the way that we want to educate kids to have a  better understanding of civics and what our government has done to make that more perfect union over the last 250 years.


    Superintendent Truitt: What we really should be focusing on in schools is not making kids social justice activists; what we should be doing is being focused on helping kids be proficient readers and learn math so they can graduate from high school and choose the post-secondary plans of their choice and be successful.


    Superintendent Truitt: 67% of Democrats when polled support school choice. What I see... is that it’s the far-left of the Democratic party and the teachers’ unions who are really pushing back against school choice. I think that the Democratic Party is doing a disservice to its constituents by continuing to ignore what parents and what voters want-- which is school choice.


    Superintendent Truitt: I want students in school this fall unmasked.


  • Raleigh, NC -- Today, the Democrat-dominated Guilford County Board of Commissioners will consider a proposed firearms ordinance that would deprive citizens and gun ranges of their Second Amendment rights. The NCGOP sent a letter to the Commissioners in opposition to the proposal this afternoon.

    Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson said of the Commissioners' outrageous proposal:

    "The Guilford County Commissioners' push to forcibly control the rights of law-abiding citizens is not only wrong but dangerous. This new ordinance restricts what you can do on your own property and limits businesses in how they operate. The agenda of the County Commissioners is not about the safety of the people but about pandering to leftist ideology. As a lifelong resident of Guilford County, it is sad to see the County Commissioners focusing on a personal agenda, rather than real issues. County leaders should be focusing on a plan to prevent real crimes, starting with helping the Sheriff's Office recruit much-needed deputies to fill vacancies and empowering them to build trust within the community."

    Below are some of the proposal's highlights:

    • Proposed Code Section 11-8
      • Make it illegal to repetitively discharge firearms for 2 hours consecutively or 3 hours cumulatively between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., even at shooting ranges. 
      • Violations of this ordinance would result in possible civil penalties as follows:
        • $200 for first offense
        • $400 for second offense in one year
        • $500 for 3+ offenses in one year
    • Proposed Code Section 11-1
      • Prohibit shooting—including when hunting—within 150 yards of structures designed for occupation by humans, animals, or livestock. This could potentially include abandoned houses, barns, chicken coops, etc. 
      • Restrict “shooting ranges” (including personal ranges) to the use of only fixed, stationary targets, even though gun ranges frequently offer moving targets.
      • A landowner—who is not even present during the discharge of any firearms on their property—would be subject to a $500 civil penalty.
      • Violations of this ordinance would result in a Class III misdemeanor along with a $500 criminal fine and could result in an additional $500 civil fine.


  • Letter to Guilford County Board of Commissioners

    Livy Polen

    VIA Electronic Mail August 5, 2021

    RE: Proposed Guilford County Firearms Restrictions 

    Guilford County Commissioners: 

    I write today to express serious concerns with the proposed ordinance changes under consideration in File # 2021-294. The proposed amendments would significantly restrict citizens in Guilford County from exercising their Second Amendment rights as well as their constitutional right to hunt. It also appears the changes would be outside the authority of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners. 

    The Guilford County Code of Ordinances at issue here can be broken down into two categories: (1) the discharge of firearms and (2) a noise ordinance restriction related to the discharge of firearms. The proposed changes to both ordinance sections suffer from major flaws. 

    My understanding is that the proposed changes to Code Section 11-1 (“Discharge of firearms”) would: 

    • Prohibit shooting—including when hunting—within 150 yards of structures designed for occupation by humans, animals, or livestock. 
    • Prohibit shooting—including when hunting—within 150 yards from a road, street, or highway that lies in the direction of the shooting. 
    • Restrict “shooting ranges” to the use of only fixed, stationary targets. ● Violations of this ordinance would result in a Class III misdemeanor along with a $500 criminal fine and could result in an additional $500 civil fine. 
    • A landowner—who is not even present during the discharge of any firearms—would be subject to a $500 civil penalty. 

    Guilford County cites NCGS § 153A-129 as their authority to pass these regulations. However, that statute specifically prohibits counties from regulating, restricting, or prohibiting the time or place for the discharge of firearms as it relates to hunting.

    Of even greater concern, in 2018 the voters of North Carolina passed, with 57% of the vote, a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of the people to hunt. See N.C. Const. Art. 1 Sec. 38. That constitutional provision provides that the people’s right to hunt is “subject only to laws enacted by the General Assembly and rules adopted pursuant to authority granted by the General Assembly to (i) promote wildlife conservation and management and (ii) preserve the future of hunting and fishing.” While the proposed Guilford County ordinance neither seeks to promote wildlife conservation nor preserve the future of hunting, the more definitive measure of legality here is that the General Assembly has not authorized the County to pass such regulations on hunting. In fact, they have specifically prohibited it

    My understanding is that the proposed changes to Code Section 11-8 (“Annoying and disturbing noises”) would: 

    • Make it illegal to repetitively discharge firearms between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
    • Make it illegal to repetitively discharge firearms for 2 hours consecutively or 3 hours cumulatively between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.—including at shooting and sporting clay ranges. 
    • This ordinance would empower the County to send the Sheriff onto private property to enforce the County’s mandate and to impose possible punishments as follows:
      • Written warning 
      • Civil penalties 
        • $200 for first offense 
        • $400 for second offense in one year 
        • $500 for 3+ offenses in one year 

    In 1997, the General Assembly enacted the “Sport Shooting Range Protection Act,” which, generally, protects owners, operators, and patrons of sport shooting ranges from any civil liability or criminal prosecution relating to any new nuisance laws or other noise control ordinances. The ordinance now being considered by Guilford County would, for all practical purposes, ban both commercial and private shooting and sporting clay ranges

    Moreover, with few exceptions, the General Assembly has declared “that the regulation of firearms is properly an issue of general, statewide concern, and that the entire field of regulation of firearms is preempted from regulation by local governments . . . .” NCGS § 14-409.40(a). None of the permitted avenues of county regulation would appear applicable to Guilford County’s regulation of the number of times a firearm can be discharged. 

    Furthermore, NCGS § 14-409.40(h) provides that “[a] person adversely affected by any ordinance, rule, or regulation promulgated or caused to be enforced by any county or municipality in violation of this section may bring an action for declaratory and injunctive relief and for actual damages arising from the violation. The court shall award the prevailing party in an action brought under this subsection reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs as authorized by law.” Your Board would be well served to seriously consider the potential legal ramifications of the adoption of the proposed changes. 

    In conclusion, these proposed changes raise numerous practical, statutory, and constitutional concerns. What has been provided herein merely scratches the surface. In any event, it appears quite likely that the adoption of these regulations would be an ultra vires act by the Guilford County Board of Commissioners. Accordingly, I urge you to vote no on these considered changes. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance on this matter. 



    Philip R. Thomas 

    Chief Counsel & Strategy Director 

    North Carolina Republican Party

    Read More

  • Raleigh, NC -- Tomorrow, the NCGOP Election Integrity Committee will convene for its first meeting. The Committee is composed of 16 members and Chaired by former State Senator Buck Newton.

    • Buck Newton, Chairman
    • Phil Strach
    • Carl Mischka
    • Kieran Shanahan
    • Nathan Miller
    • Peter O’Connell
    • Jerol Kivett
    • Deanne Brown
    • Phillip Stephens
    • Terrell Stephens
    • Merry Guy
    • Melisa Taylor
    • Fred Galey
    • Wes Jones
    • Harold Eustache
    • Mark Edwards 

    The Committee will focus on engaging with the County and the State Board of Elections, recruiting poll observers and election integrity volunteers, making statutory and administrative rule recommendations, and refining the North Carolina Republican Party’s Election Integrity operational plan. During this inaugural meeting, the Committee will establish a plan of action and will also bring together leaders from the Republican National Committee and the NCGOP regarding Election Integrity initiatives.

    "The NCGOP and RNC are firmly committed to Election Integrity," said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. "While North Carolina Republicans were prepared and organized to protect the vote in 2020, we know we must build on our past efforts to ensure Democrats play by the rules in the 2022 election cycle."



  • July 27, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC -- Cal Jr. (Jeff Jackson) refused to answer a voter’s question about his position on Critical Race Theory and even said it “doesn’t exist.” 

    “Democrats like Cal Jr. are starting to panic as they realize Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not only dangerous and divisive, but also a political loser,” said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. “As North Carolina Democrat Senate candidates dodge questions regarding CRT, parents, school boards, and Republican leaders are acting to rid the public education system of CRT’s corrosive effects.”

    Here are just a few examples of Critical Race Theory being taught in North Carolina:

    • The Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education paid Ibram X. Kendi, a proponent of Critical Race Theory, $25,000 to speak at an event. 
    • Wake County offered a teacher training course entitled “Intro to Critical Race Theory.”
    • The Durham City Council recently passed a resolution that asks state and federal representatives to “work to ensure… critical race theory is included in our students’ public school education.”
    • The North Carolina Association of Educators President Tamika Walker Kelly vowed to teach Critical Race Theory “even if illegal.”

    The following North Carolina County School Boards issued resolutions against Critical Race Theory: 




  • July 14, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - Today, the North Carolina State Senate announced legislation to address anti-discrimination in school curriculum. 

    The legislation does not permit public schools to compel students "to affirm or profess belief in" several discriminatory concepts, including:
    • That one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex;
    • An individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive;
    • An individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex;
    • A meritocracy is inherently racist or sexist;
    • Particular character traits, values, moral or ethical codes, privileges, or beliefs should be ascribed to a race or sex, or to an individual because of the individual's race or sex.

    "Students must not be forced to adopt an ideology that is separate and distinct from history; an ideology that attacks 'the very foundations of the liberal order,' and that promotes 'present discrimination' – so long as it’s against the right people – as 'antiracist,'" said Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham.)

    “Diversity should be celebrated, not weaponized through the harmful teachings of doctrines like Critical Race Theory (CRT)," said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. "North Carolina students deserve an education that promotes unity and academic achievement, not division.”




  • July 9, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - This week, the Republican Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and his political committee, Take Back the House 2022, invested in North Carolina by donating $133,000 to the North Carolina Republican Party.

    "Our path to a Republican majority runs through North Carolina, and I look forward to partnering with Chairman Michael Whatley and the North Carolina Republican Party to Take Back the House in 2022," said Leader McCarthy. "The Democrats' relentless assault on our American values must stop. Democrats seek to divide us and distract from their policies that are failing America. We, Republicans, are working together to win in 2022 and deliver a safer, stronger, and more optimistic future for all Americans."

    “On behalf of all North Carolina Republicans, I would like to thank our next Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, for his generous support, which we will dedicate towards electing Republicans and taking back the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives," said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. "North Carolina will be on the frontlines of the Republican effort to take back the House next year, and we are grateful for Leader McCarthy's early investments in North Carolina and other critical battleground states to ensure Republicans win back control of Congress and put an end to the far left's disastrous policies."




  • July 8, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - The race to the far left continues in North Carolina’s Democrat Primary for U.S. Senate, as Secret Squad Member Cheri Beasley has agreed to partner with Democratic Socialist U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) in a joint fundraising committee. Bush is a member of Justice Democrats, the most leftwing caucus in Congress, which includes Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI.)

    “Beasley’s partnership with self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist Cori Bush tells voters exactly where she stands on the issues: lockstep with AOC,” said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. “As Biden and Cooper crush North Carolina’s economy through handout after handout, Republicans understand North Carolina workers and families deserve relief, not another member of the Squad.”




  • June 25, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - Today, Governor Cooper vetoed Republicans' House Bill 453, "Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics."

    "Abortions based on genetic traits such as sex, race or Down Syndrome are unquestionably wrong," said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. "Like Governor Cooper, the NCGOP firmly believes in a woman's right to privacy with her doctor. However, the practice of sex-, race-, or disability-selective abortions are not based on medical advice, but genetic preferences. Cooper's veto suggests that only certain genetic traits make a human life valuable. As Republicans, we stand by the American principle that ALL life is of equal value."




  • June 24, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - Today, President Biden will join Governor Cooper in a visit to a mobile vaccination unit in Raleigh to tout his administration's failed vaccine rollout. 

    "Under Biden and Cooper's leadership, North Carolina ranked among the lowest in the country for vaccine administration," said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. "Yet, the Biden Administration has tried to hijack credit for Republicans' Operation Warp Speed since day one. North Carolina knows this is just another phony act in Biden's political performance, and it's preventing Americans' real problems from being addressed, like securing our border, getting people back to work, and putting American interests first."




  • June 21, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - The North Carolina Board of Elections will rewrite its previous rule proposal and remove restrictions placed on poll observers because of overwhelming Republican objection.   

    The current statute allows two precinct-specific observers to serve at one time in shifts of at least four hours, before being relieved by two different precinct-specific observers. However, the rule proposed by the Board of Elections would have limited the number of precinct-specific observers to two for the entire day. 

    “The State Board of Elections’ proposed rule would have placed a substantial burden on the participation of volunteer observers in the election process, which is key to public confidence in the results of an election,” said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley.

    Republicans fought back at the national, state, and local level to ensure the voting process remains open and transparent, taking the following actions:

    • NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley and the NCGOP Legal Counsel wrote letters to the Board of Elections in protest of the rule change.
    • The RNC sent a letter to the Board of Elections and said the proposed rule would, “eliminate transparency and accountability in our elections.”
    • Attorneys from the RNC and NCGOP delivered remarks at the public hearing. 
    • Republicans in the General Assembly responded with legislation that would allow for greater flexibility in the rotation of poll observers throughout the day. 
    • County GOP Activists sent over 500 public comments to the Board of Elections in opposition of the proposed rule change.

    Due to the Republican Party’s efforts, the Board of Elections changed their proposed rule. The new version would allow for the precinct-specific observer list to include up to eight names with designated times for each observer to serve, instead of only two precinct-specific observers for the entire day. 

    “We are pleased that the North Carolina Board of Elections took the Republican Party’s concerns seriously and has agreed to amend its proposed rule,” said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. “It is critical for the Board of Elections to ensure transparent and certain elections."





  • June 17, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - Yesterday, every single Democrat in the North Carolina Senate voted against expanding voter access.

    Republicans created Senate Bill 724 as a solution to address Democrat concerns that voter ID is inaccessible to certain groups of voters. The bill had three provisions:

    1. Makes accommodations for blind voters who have difficulty with ballot access
    2. Makes online voter registration law
    3. Allows for free photo voter IDs to be delivered straight to people’s homes

    “The inexplicable decision by Democrats to vote against a bill that provides free voter ID to North Carolinians’ doorsteps tells us one thing: Democrats have no desire to run lawful, accountable elections,” said NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen. “Election integrity is the cornerstone of American democracy and a top priority for the NCGOP. The North Carolina media has an unconditional responsibility to ask Democrat legislators how free, accessible voter ID to all voters is a policy antithetical to their goals.”





  • June 4, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Raleigh, NC - Today, the North Carolina Republican Party announced its new Election Integrity Committee. The Committee is composed of 16 members and Chaired by Buck Newton.

    • Buck Newton, Chairman
    • Phil Strach
    • Carl Mischka
    • Kieran Shanahan
    • Nathan Miller
    • Peter O’Connell
    • Jerol Kivett
    • Deanne Brown
    • Phillip Stephens
    • Terrell Stephens
    • Merry Guy
    • Melisa Taylor
    • Fred Galey
    • Wes Jones
    • Harold Eustache
    • Mark Edwards 

    The Committee will focus on engaging with the County and the State Board of Elections, recruiting poll observers and election integrity volunteers, making statutory and administrative rule recommendations, and refining the North Carolina Republican Party’s Election Integrity operational plan. The Committee will commence operations after the close of the NCGOP State Convention.

    "Election integrity is an issue we must address head-on to move forward as a party and as a country," said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. "In 2020, the North Carolina Republican Party led the nation in implementing an effective statewide strategy to protect the vote. This Committee will spend the next year-and-a-half building on our past successes to ensure the 2022 elections in North Carolina remain fair and transparent.”




  • May 31, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Greenville, NC - The Old North State Dinner at the NCGOP 2021 State Convention on Friday, June 4th at 6:00 p.m. will be open to the press. Featured speakers include Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, Congressman Madison Cawthorn, State Senator Deanna Ballard, and Charlotte City Councilman Tariq Bokhari. There will be a dedicated media section with press risers across from the stage.


    Press Registration: 

    All members of the press interested in attending The Old North State Dinner must register here no later than Wednesday, June 2nd at 12:00 p.m. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee that all press registrations will receive credentials. If media organizations have the ability to share content between affiliates, we encourage only sending one team to cover the event. We will notify all credentialed press of further instructions after registration closes. 

    For other Convention-related press inquiries, please contact NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen at [email protected].


    Contact: Livy Polen
    [email protected]




  • May 28, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Greenville, NC - Governor Kristi Noem's speech at the NCGOP 2021 State Convention on Saturday, June 5th at 12:00 p.m. will be open to the press. There will be a dedicated media section with press risers across from the stage. There will be no availability or interview opportunities with Governor Noem.


    Press Registration: 

    All members of the press interested in attending the Convention must register here no later than Monday, May 31st at 12:00 p.m. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee that all press registrations will receive credentials. If media organizations have the ability to share content between affiliates, we encourage only sending one team to cover the event. We will notify all credentialed press of further instructions on Tuesday, June 1st. 

    For other Convention-related press inquiries, please contact NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen at [email protected].


    Contact: Livy Polen
    [email protected]




  • May 26, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Greenville, NC - President Donald J. Trump’s speech at the NCGOP 2021 State Convention on Saturday, June 5th at 5:30 p.m. will be open to the press. A livestream option will be available via WITN-TV. There will be a dedicated media section with press risers across from the stage. There will be no availability or interview opportunities with President Trump.


    Press Registration: 

    All members of the press interested in attending the Convention must register here no later than Sunday, May 30th at 5:00 p.m. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee that all press registrations will receive credentials. If media organizations have the ability to share content between affiliates, we encourage only sending one team to cover the event. We will notify all credentialed press of further instructions on Tuesday, June 1st. 

    For other Convention-related press inquiries, please contact NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen at [email protected].


    Contact: Livy Polen
    [email protected]




  • MEDIA ADVISORY: President Trump Will Headline NCGOP 2021 State Convention In Greenville, NC

    May 17, 2021
    For Immediate Release

    Greenville, NC The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump will attend the North Carolina Republican Party’s 2021 State Convention in Greenville. President Trump will speak at the Convention Dinner on Saturday, June 5th. 


    Statement from NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley: 

    “President Trump won North Carolina in 2016 by promising to put America First, and he won North Carolina in 2020 by keeping that promise. President Trump delivered real results for North Carolina by rebuilding the military, standing strong against China, and unleashing the American Economy. We are honored to welcome President Trump to our convention as the Republican Party launches our campaign to retake Congress and the Senate in the 2022 midterms .” 


    Event Details For Planning Purposes Only 

    President Trump will speak at the Convention Dinner on Saturday, June 5, at 6:00 pm. The dinner itself is closed to the press. Further press guidance will be forthcoming.

    For all other convention-related press inquiries, please contact NCGOP Press Secretary Livy Polen at [email protected].


