Gyms Owners Tire of Waiting on Cooper to Follow The Data And Science And Decide to Begin Safely Reopening

September 1, 2020
For Immediate Release

Raleigh, NC - As of September 1, North Carolina will officially be the absolute last state in the Union, prohibiting gyms and fitness facilities from reopening. Major gym owners are no longer willing to endlessly wait for Governor Roy Cooper to finally follow the science and data on gyms. In contrast, their employees, small business owners, and customers suffer and have announced plans to safely reopen following CDC guidelines

It is no secret that many independent gyms across North Carolina have been quietly reopening because if they earn media attention, Cooper sends the police to arrest them. While many gyms have been open in defiance of Cooper’s lockdown orders, Mandy Cohen has not given a single example of COVID-19 spreading from a gym at her most recent partisan pep rally.  Gyms have been open across the world, with no definite correlation between the spread of COVID-19 from those facilities. 

After these large gym chains announced their public plans to reopen safely, the Cooper administration leaked that Cooper would modify his executive order. Apparently rather than be embarrassed by mass resistance to his extreme lockdowns, Cooper needs to save face and apparently will change his rules to fit people’s actions. There have been no reported changes in the COVID-19 data that meet his standards to ease restrictions.  

“Governor Cooper’s govern by surprise approach is not fair to North Carolina businesses crushed by his lockdowns,” said NCGOP Spokesman Tim Wigginton. “North Carolina is the last state to safely reopen gyms despite several other states and countries safely reopening gyms. Cooper’s move to ease restrictions after facing an open revolt from small businesses shows that he’s been using political science to make decisions to the detriment of millions of North Carolinians.”
