Cooper’s COVID Hypocrisy Sinks To New Lows

June 8, 2020
For Immediate Release

RALEIGH NC- Governor Cooper’s COVID hypocrisy sunk to new levels last week. Cooper single-handedly lost the Republican National Convention by refusing to work with President Trump and the RNC. Meanwhile, he allowed and encouraged protesters and rioters to take to the streets without the same social distancing restrictions he sought to enforce on the RNC, racetrack owners, North Carolina small businesses, and families.

On Friday, Cooper vetoed the bill that requires bars and restaurants to receive equal treatment under the law. Cooper wants to continue to pick and choose when he enforces the law to suit his political agenda. At least Cooper finally admitted in his veto message that he is no longer using “science and data” to make his decisions; instead, his goal is to retain as much power as possible. 

“Cooper continues to flout our democratic norms or checks and balances and equality under the law,” Said NCGOP Press Secretary Tim Wigginton. “Cooper’s Veto of the “Bar Bill” shows that he is more committed to maintaining his political power than using data-based decision making.”