NCGOP Will Hold First Election Integrity Committee Meeting Tomorrow
Raleigh, NC -- Tomorrow, the NCGOP Election Integrity Committee will convene for its first meeting. The Committee is composed of 16 members and Chaired by former State Senator Buck Newton.
- Buck Newton, Chairman
- Phil Strach
- Carl Mischka
- Kieran Shanahan
- Nathan Miller
- Peter O’Connell
- Jerol Kivett
- Deanne Brown
- Phillip Stephens
- Terrell Stephens
- Merry Guy
- Melisa Taylor
- Fred Galey
- Wes Jones
- Harold Eustache
- Mark Edwards
The Committee will focus on engaging with the County and the State Board of Elections, recruiting poll observers and election integrity volunteers, making statutory and administrative rule recommendations, and refining the North Carolina Republican Party’s Election Integrity operational plan. During this inaugural meeting, the Committee will establish a plan of action and will also bring together leaders from the Republican National Committee and the NCGOP regarding Election Integrity initiatives.
"The NCGOP and RNC are firmly committed to Election Integrity," said NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley. "While North Carolina Republicans were prepared and organized to protect the vote in 2020, we know we must build on our past efforts to ensure Democrats play by the rules in the 2022 election cycle."
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