Hey Kamala - Why Wait?

Good Morning, 

Today marks the beginning of a week-long flurry of media googly eyes over the Democratic National Convention and what Dangerously Liberal Kamala Harris will do. 

But we’ve got to wonder — why wait? 

Kamala Harris has been in office for over three and a half years now — with her major accomplishments of covering up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, opening the floodgates at the Southern border, and igniting historic levels of inflation. 

During her economic policy announcement last week, Kamala highlighted how the price of ground beef and a loaf of bread have exponentially increased throughout HER administration. 

They say admitting you have a problem is the first step, but Kamala seems to be missing the point.

Why not do something now? Better yet — maybe reflect on how you made such a mess?

While Kamala Harris has been in office, the average North Carolina household has spent$25,953 more due to inflation since January 2021. That's even higher than the national average.

Kalamanomics is the problem. NC households are spending more than $1,000 a month on normal living expenses because of her inflationary policies. That's more on food, energy, transportation and shelter than when President Trump was in office.

Now, Comrade Kamala wants to dismantle the free market and institute a government price fixing scheme.

Spoiler alert: This didn’t turn out too well for Venezuela. 

It’s time to Make America Affordable Again — and only President Trump has proven he knows how.

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