NCGOP, RNC Intervene in NC Election Integrity Lawsuit
NCGOP, RNC Intervene in NC Election Integrity Lawsuit
October 27, 2023
For Immediate Release
The Republican Party of North Carolina, along with the Republican National Committee (RNC), filed in court Thursday to intervene in Democrats' baseless 'Sue til Blue' attack on Senate Bill 747 and to defend election integrity in North Carolina. After years of deteriorating voter confidence, bolstering election integrity is more important than ever. Unfortunately, Joe Biden's Department of Justice is attacking popular election security laws around the country, further hindering Americans' faith in free and fair elections.
"Only Democrats would oppose legislation that prevents non-citizens from voting, protects bipartisan poll watchers, and eliminates dark money in elections—all measures that are strongly supported by the People of North Carolina," said NCGOP Chairman and General Counsel for the RNC Michael Whatley. "We are proud to stand with North Carolinians in court by intervening in this case and ensuring our elections are secure."
The target of Democrats' attack is smart legislation made up of common-sense election safeguards that enjoy wide support among North Carolinians.
Ensures that mail ballots must be returned by Election Day in order to be counted.
- 89% of voters believe every ballot should be received by Election Day.
Allows access for bipartisan poll watchers to ensure transparency at the ballot box.
- 78% of voters are in favor of bipartisan poll observation.
Creates new safeguards to prevent non-citizens from voting.
- 89% of voters support keeping non-citizens from voting in American elections.
Bans third-party dark money from pouring into local North Carolina elections.
- 78% of voters think that foreign money should be kept out of American elections.
Strengthens voter ID protections in North Carolina.
- 88% of voters support requiring an ID to vote.
It is on behalf of those North Carolina voters that the NCGOP joins with the RNC to fight back against Democrats attacks. North Carolinians deserve to know their votes are secure and that's why the Republican Party will remain vigilant in defense of election integrity
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