Cal Jr. Doubles Down On School Closure By Voting Against School Reopening Again

February 9, 2021
For Immediate Release

Raleigh, NC - Instead of following the science that has been clear since July and voting to reopen schools, Cal Jr. (Jeff Jackson) voted against reopening schools. The majority of NC students have been trapped in failing virtual schools, and instead of fighting for North Carolina families, Cal Jr. is siding with establishment Democrats to appease the liberal activists.  

“Cal Jr. once again shows that when it counts he’ll put liberal interest groups over North Carolina families. That is why North Carolina cannot trust him to be their next Senator,” said NCGOP Communications Director Tim Wigginton. "It appears that Cal Jr. is too afraid to stand up to liberal special interest because he knows he needs them to drag him across the finish line in the Democrat Primary just like Cal Sr." 
